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SameSite Policy Downgrade

This article lists security risks that attackers can leverage to downgrade SameSite policies (e.g., Strict to Lax or None), ultimately bypassing SameSite protection. Note that SameSite policies can also be bypassed via Policy Bypass techniques.

When developing web applications, providing support for older web browsers that are incompatible with the SameSite cookie policy is challenging. In such incompatible clients, a cookie marked with a SameSite attribute or an unsupported SameSite policy may be rejected and not set, thus breaking the application functionality. As a workaround, developers may set redundant cookies, both with and without the SameSite attribute[1, 2 ], or with different SameSite policies. However, this can introduce vulnerabilities if not properly applied.

Example. The configuration below shows a vulnerable cookie setting that can be exploited to mount a CSRF attack. In this example, the application sets two duplicate cookies, namely 3pc and 3pc-legacy, with Strict and no SameSite policy, respectively, and resorts to the 3pc-legacy if the 3pc cookie is not included in the request.

// for incompatible clients
Set-cookie: 3pc-legacy=value;

// for newer clients
Set-cookie: 3pc=value; SameSite=Strict;

For a victim vising a CSRF attack page using a modern client, the 3pc cookie is not attached to the cross-origin CSRF request, but the 3pc-legacy cookie is still automatically attached to the request, both when assuming a client enforcing a default None or default Lax policy (i.e., using top-level navigation requests), enabling CSRF on server-side.

This vulnerability occurs when a web application sets two different SameSite cookie policies for the same cookie with the same Path attribute across two different web pages.

Example. The configuration below demonstrate a vulnerable cookie setting that can downgrade the SameSite policy, enabling XS attacks.

// GET /account.php \r\n
Set-cookie: 3pc=value; SameSite=Strict; Path=/

// GET /index.php \r\n
Set-cookie: 3pc=value; SameSite=None; Path=/

In this example, the application sets 3pc=value; SameSite=Strict; Path=/ when visiting URL1 and 3pc=value; SameSite=None; Path=/ when visiting URL2, which enables attackers to downgrade the Strict policy for this cookie to None. In this example, the bypass happens by issuing a top-level navigation request to URL2, which overwrites the cookie with the SameSite=None attribute, relaxing the SameSite policy.

Header inconsistencies has been the root cause of vulnerabilities in the past[3]. The SameSite Cookie User-Agent Inconsistency security risk arises when an application set inconsistent SameSite policies when the HTTP request is submitted via two different user agents.

For example, a web application may enforce the Strict or Lax policy for a sensitive cookie when the user is using a desktop browser, but enforce the None policy if the user uses a mobile browser (or vice versa). One reason for such inconsistency is that the mobile and the desktop version are two different applications exposing themselves to the public based on the request user-agent. In such circumstances, CSRF and COSI attacks are possible provided that the victim uses a user agent with the less stricter SameSite policy to visit the target website.


  1. Rowan Merewood, SameSite cookie recipes. Link

  2. SameSite Cookie Attribute explained. Link

  3. A. Mendoza, P. Chinprutthiwong, and G. Gu, Uncovering HTTP Header Inconsistencies and the Impact on Desktop/Mobile Websites. In WWW, 2018. Link